Our story

The idea for freegrids was born during the founders’ research work at Malmö University, focusing on sustainable development, energy security, and renewable energy communities.

Our research highlighted the urgent need to reform existing energy systems by fostering the proliferation of decentralized small-scale infrastructures for power production and distribution. Locally produced electricity shared in electricity grids jointly owned by property owners in their local areas would provide safer access to environmentally friendly electricity and potentially lower energy costs for individual properties.

For the state, energy decentralization is fundamentally an energy security issue. Since January 1, 2022, a law change in Sweden has allowed property owners to construct these “free networks” with the aim of sharing locally produced electricity. Our research has shown the need for and the opportunities presented by free electricity networks. However, there are several challenges to address. Exploratory studies have revealed a lack of knowledge about the possibility of joining together to build one’s own electricity network. The idea of independence and a higher degree of self-sufficiency is appealing but still lacks awareness and know-how.

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